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Women's wallets: stylish companions for everyday life

A ladies' wallet is more than just a practical accessory for money and cards. They are an expression of style and personality. Whether you prefer a minimalist, elegant or eye-catching design - the right wallet can be a real eye-catcher and perfectly complement your everyday look.

Discover the trendy wallets from ZWEI® - perfect for anyone who values style and functionality! Our collections offer sustainable alternatives to traditional leather products that impress with their quality and modern design. And the great thing about it: ZWEI® wallets can be ideally combined with bags and rucksacks from the same collection - for a harmoniously coordinated look!

Wallets in a wide range of colours

Our women's wallets are available in a wide range of colours, from classic black and brown to vibrant shades such as red and blue. This variety allows you to choose a wallet that perfectly matches your personal style. Want something a little more creative and unusual? Then take a closer look at our JANA J2 wallets: These long wallets come in two or three coordinating shades, so they harmonise perfectly with a white, grey or green bag or backpack like this, for example.

Practical wallets with lots of compartments

Every ZWEI® wallet is thoughtfully designed to offer you maximum utility. Our products have various compartments for cards, a coin pocket and plenty of space for notes and receipts. All our wallets have a coin pocket with a sewn-in compartment for shopping trolley coins. Despite the variety of designs, our prices remain affordable and offer something for everyone.

Wallets in high material quality

Our ZWEI wallets are made from high-quality materials so that you can enjoy your new accessory for a long time. At ZWEI® , we use vegan (artificial) leather, which looks and feels very similar to real leather. In this way, we have a clear conscience towards animal welfare by avoiding animal suffering. With the innovative Hydroflex synthetic leather in the AQUA and CARGO collection, we have even gone one step further and produced a water-based and solvent-free material that is not only particularly abrasion-resistant, waterproof and lightweight, but also much more environmentally friendly. We also pay attention to fair production conditions and resource-saving manufacturing.

Wallets for men and women: Our collections

For style-conscious men and women, we offer a diverse selection of wallets that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Be inspired by the variety and quality of our wallets and find your new favourite piece. We have a wallet collection for every style, which we are happy to present to you:

♥ CARGO Collection (CAW2)

In our CARGO collection (CAW2), we present two-coloured wallets with a sporty, modern design, made from waterproof Hydroflex synthetic leather. This material is not only water-based and solvent-free, but also waterproof, environmentally friendly and hard-wearing.

♥ EVA collection (EV2)

The EV2 wallet from the EVA collection, on the other hand, impresses with its classic, elegant style in a bicolour design. The wallets are made from classic faux leather, but are characterised by modern two-tone designs that add a touch of elegance.

♥ JANA Collection (J2)

Our JANA J2 wallet comes in a three-colour look and adds an unusual touch to any outfit. These wallets can be perfectly combined with handbags in different colours and give your look a playful and unusual touch. Combine the JANA women's wallets with bags and rucksacks from the same collections for a uniform look.

♥ M.WALLET collection

For women, we also present our M.WALLET wallets in a classic, elegant look, made from smooth vegan leather. The MW2 and MW5 models are available in a variety of colours and therefore offer the right option for every taste. Combine the M.WALLET wallets with bags, rucksacks and hip bags from the MADEMOISELLE.M collection for a uniform look.

♥ O.WALLET collection (OW2)

And finally, our O.WALLET collection (OW2), which includes brown leather-look wallets with a vintage look and branded colour accents. These wallets combine nostalgic charm with modern functionality and are a stylish accessory for every day. Our O.WALLET collection is specially tailored to the needs and tastes of both sexes. In the OLLI collection, we offer backpacks and bags in casual style to match the wallet.

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